Thursday, November 3, 2016

she stood behind you clear as day when you spoke
despite your denial
and insist my acknowledging her presence would make you
invent an importance for her that didn't already exist
i'd be better off talking you into taking your own life.
you come to me with the weight of her.
still and try and touch me
what gave me the idea a touch means something more

i pick up crystals on the shore line while you're on the other end
one clear
one clear and pink with black at its worn edges
one black at its worn edges
right now the rarest crystal formation is underway
dancers take their place and rub together
it's a dangerous reaction, but you were too lost in the mirrors get away from the shore
i called to you to move
but the crystal formed with you stuck in the middle
you gave me the memory to record like a string of beads
that enter through my palms and bind to the nerves in my backbone
they pulled your skin from your head and replaced it with clear white rocks
all day now you fight maddness. pink foam square blocks and obstacle courses
the authority of the ice usually use this as a form of torture
it's written on my own head, the reason why i can't let you out
if you put yourself there it was destiny, not error
i asked if we could make a deal, maybe
it's been 100 years since we have even tried this sort of magic

Monday, October 31, 2016

last night my car burned and flipped onto its side in front of your house

today it was two bottle of wines, emergency port, and my ancestors on a heart grab nation raid. i breath in steam to calm prepare
last night my car burned and flipped onto its side in front of your house

today it was two bottle of wines, emergency port, and my ancestors on a heart grab nation raid. i breath in steam to calm prepare