Thursday, August 20, 2015

summer snow

barefoot in snow storm
scrubbing off the shoes
all power is out
I want to live somewhere with small old buildings
New York has plenty of small old buildings
an old teacher gets de ja vu
when I say I want to find a way
to live both places at once
you love your new lover
she's quiet and pious
brown haired, and not too much
i stand close to you
while you tell a stranger everything
on the phone
you don't acknowledge me.
I ask when you'll move to
you ask when I'll move to 
probably soon.

Monday, August 17, 2015

music in the basement

sounds i can make
despite the state of my body
despite what you think of me.

it's my set up she's stealing

night time in your home, which is more like a compound

i stay in a glass walled room
a few doors down
dark figures from your past come to haunt me
but i deflect.
i'd say you name out loud
but i don't want to be revealing.

i raise you a more deadly weapon
i am ashamed of those i bare
still ghost threats are not empty